Tuesday, July 05, 2005

'Tis no great mischief...

Well, maybe it is.

At this point in the space/time continuum, I hereby bring this blog into being.

Hmmm... I thought there might be a flash of light or a fanfare or something. I guess not.
No problems. I've got a flashlight around here somewhere.

Discussions to follow. There's no goal or point - much like life. But maybe the answer to T.S. Eliot's question, "After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" will pop up.

Nah. But that's a cool question. I've been itching to use it for a while now.

I guess I could toss this out - it was an odd idea that occurred this morning:

A specific event at a specific point in space/time only occurs once in the history of a 20 billion year old universe that may last another 1000 billion years. Each event is unique, so enjoy the moment - there will not be another identical to this one."

That's all well and good when you're having fun. It's carrion comfort when a zombie is trying to eat your brain.



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