Sunday, September 30, 2007

Seabed's Nectar Made Fresh For You!

So here's this new possible viral Cloverfield/1-18-08 website: Tagruato.

Tagruato is supposedly a Japanese company that does everything from deep sea drilling (including a site on the mid-Atlantic ridge opening in September 2007) to Slusho to microbiology.

Couldn't help but notice the only non-Cloverfield reference to Tagruato (which doesn't seem to be a Japanese word by the way) is on

Check it out.
"...It contained the finest ingredients money can buy, from fresh bay leaves imported by a company called Fotopoulos Herb Gardens in Crete, to something the Japanese call “kaitei no mitsu”, or “Seabed’s Nectar”, shipped in dry ice by a company out of Honshu called Tagruato..."

On the forums there's a reference to the new picture that references "Sea Bottoms Bee Nectar" as a possible translation of one phrase.

So, may or may not be legit. Probably is. Not sure about Menuism. Kinda gutsy to post a viral ad on someone's website...unless it is your own... ;)


PS - Anagram for Seabed's Nectar = Beast Reascend.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Okay, so it's not official, but this is way cool.

Check it out. Cloverwhale.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

"Dead Sea" by Brian Keene

Anyway. Yeah, another Keene zombie novel. "Dead Sea" isn't related to "The Rising" and "City of the Dead" except in a vague sort of manner. There are some scenes that seem to overlap between the Rising series and "Dead Sea".This is because Keene is building a sort of mythology. There are some details in his novel "Ghoul" and more information on his website about the Keene-iverse."Dead Sea" is okay. Parts of it are quite good, much of it seems rather uninspired. The prose is uneven, with some being a pleasure to read and other sections being less so.I'd rate it 3.5 on a scale of 1-5. Its a good short summer read if you're looking for a way to kill a few hours. On the plus side, some of the scenes are absolutely cool. On the down side, some of the scenes are mind-numbingly boring.Might want to check it out.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

We're DOOMED!!!

Repent, quadruped! The end is nigh!

Hexapodia is the key insight!