Saturday, March 15, 2008

Diary of the Dead

Okay, folks. YOU HAVE TO GO SEE THIS MOVIE! It's f*cking brilliant.

Mr. Romero has come into his own with this movie - it's by far the greatest work he's done, in my opinion.

Definitely worth the wait!


Blogger Izvestia said...

First off... You the same TZ who made all that awesome AFMBE content? Hats off to you, man. That was some seriously good stuff, and I'd just like to express my thanks. I wasn't sure if I wanted to see Diary of the Dead, but now, I better check it out... I've liked every Romero movie so far, including his non-Dead stuff, so dunno why I've hesitated. Cool to see you here, either way!

17 April, 2008 22:52  

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