Saturday, February 16, 2008

TZ Beyond the Diary of the Dead

Y'know what? I'm just gonna voice my discontent this morning. We've been lookin' forward to seein' George A. Romero's Diary of the Dead since it was first announced. And ya know what?


It ain't showin' here. We'd have to drive to Dallas or Houston to see it. Cripes! Three to six hours! Phooey!

Well, maybe it'll make some $$$ and get a wider release at some point in the future. I'd like to see it on the big screen before watching it on my little screen here in the tomb.

And ya never know, I might just have to pack the horde into the truck and scoot on over to Houston and see this flick!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Redbox Hack

If you're a roleplaying gamer, and especially if you cut your teeth and killed your first orcs on one of the old TSR Dungeons & Dragons boxed sets, you HAVE to check out this game.

Redbox Hack is without a doubt one of the best little homebrew games around. We've had a lot of fun here in the tomb using it to replay ancient and battered D&D modules from the Dark Ages.

And by the way, if you lost or sold your copy of Palace of the Silver Princess, you can get a copy of the original item from Wizards of the Coast. Way to go, dudes!

And just so I don't lose my train of thought again...

If it hadn't been for D&D, I wouldn't have discovered Gamma World. And if it hadn't been for Gamma World I wouldn't have discovered Traveller and Twilight: 2000. And if it hadn't been for Twilight: 2000, I wouldn't have been nearly as interested in learning how to forage, scavenge, or otherwise live off the land.

So, there ya go.

Oh, and didya see Cloverfield? Cool monster. Lame story. But cool monster. And cool monsters are