Saturday, July 09, 2005

I'm me. What the hell are you?

Surviving the End of the World as We Know It...via Hyperlink Hell.

Emergency supply checklists: Don't be a dumb@ss and pay for lists in somebody's lame-@ss book.

Check here. And here. And here.

Bail-out Bag or Bug Out Bag (BOB)
Bail-in Bag orBug In Bag (BIB)
Three-day existance pack

If you want good survival tips, grab a copy of the SAS Survival Handbook.

Check this out. I'm a Loner. Secondary Goth. Then a Geek. I would've thought I'd be a Loner, then a Geek. Yeah, Goth is cool, but it ain't THAT cool. Maybe it's all the black clothes or something.

But, heck, who cares??? I'm an official Zombie Attack survivor - 84%!
Official Survivor
Congratulations! You scored 84%! Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least you're alive.

You scored higher than 91% on survivalpoints

Don't know where I lost 16% - probably age or something like that. Oh well, at least I'm a heavily armed febrile elderly 30-something. I guess maybe I should upgrade to a bigger armored vehicle.

And if you are not a waste of biomass, you'll already play "All Flesh Must Be Eaten" Zombie Survival Horror RPG by Eden Studios, Inc.

Here's the Archetype test.
I'm a Biker, then a Detective, then Police Officer. Go figure. I don't do motorcycles, but maybe I could drive the Swag Waggon and carry oil filters for the rest of the nice folks in the pack.

If you can't find a printed copy, you can download one here. is a great site for finding RPGs. is the other good game download site - they have Savage Worlds and Over the Edge RPGs. Over on, check out Zombie Run as a great Zombie Survival Horror scenario/mini-campaign. Cross-country zombie mayhem!

And this b@stard just ditched part of this post again. Okay. One more time.

So, if you're wondering what kind of non-Zombie Apocalypse Survivor you might be, check here.
I'm rated as a Dictator, then an Isolationist, then a Loner (then a Raider, then a Thug). Go figure. But don't worry - my tyranny will be cool, and my kung fu will be strong.

That's actually a bit disturbing - I didn't think I was ~that~ bad. But still, better to be the oppressor than the oppressed, thinks I.

And then there's THIS Nuclear War Survivor Type test.

"Consider that a divorce! You're

Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Maker of mediocre action pics and son of an actual Nazi, you're perhaps an insane joke on God's part. Why should you survive while others perish? Is it your hair, your brains or that manly gap in your teeth? Is it because you're going to lead California to a new tomorrow? Is it because you've paid someone enough money so that radiation doesn't harm you? Are you a real cyborg?

Arnold is the new Jesus. Stat."

Hmmm...New Jesus, huh? That could be interesting. My tyranny will be cool, my kung fu will be strong, and my religion will usher in an age of darkness and horror unseen since Cthulhu did his thing on the dinosaurs.

But don't worry folks - according to this test, I'll only live unti June 2052 or thereabouts. Huzzah! 47 more years of stuff and things and stuff.

That ought to be time to rack up some seriously bad karma.

So, what's the point of all this?

F*cked if I know, bubba. Just seemed like the thing to do on a dark and stormy night with no rain.



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