Saturday, August 25, 2007

Clovercheese and Giant Lice

So now we have a new poster (probably fake - looks like a photoedited copy of a 1964 Godzilla suit) and a monster roar on after six* minutes. The roar is cool. Way cool. Still synthetic (i.e. not derived from animal sounds or combinations/variations thereof).

*Slusho! You can't drink just six! (which as we all know could be an anagram of "A toxic industry's junk."). But which toxic industry? Bulk chemical manufacturing or the movie industry? :)

So, to sum up my summations so far:
1. Lots of faked posters.
2. Roar is synthetic.
3. You can prove anything with an angram, facetious or not. In my case, facetiously for the most part.
4. Not Voltron, Cthulhu, or Godzilla.**

**However, this notion going around of little critters jumpin' off the big critters to eat everything/everyone in New York...

Remember Godzilla: 1985? Or, rather, the Return of Godzilla if you're a G-Fan*** purist. The shokilas where those giant mutant sea lice that were eatin' folks on the ship Big G attacks early in the film.

***G-Fan rocks. Go buy a bunch of copies.

My point, however, is that this particular rumor isn't original in the sense that it could easily be a based on the 1984/1985 Godzilla film. I mean, how many folks that like monster movies remember when that movie came out? Other than me? :)


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