Thursday, July 21, 2005

War of the Worlds 2

I think I figured out what's been bugging me about War of the Worlds.

Warning - more spoilers. Standard disclaimer applies.

and projectile weapons. Air to surface missiles, 120mm smoothbore rounds, machine guns, hand grenades...nothing worked. From the outside, anyway.

So, when those lil' three-legged buggers invade, I'm going to go with FASCAM. Family of Scatterable Mines. From the link above:

"...They are designed to be delivered or dispensed remotely by aircraft, artillery, or by ground dispenser..."

Well, Martian war machines gotta walk on the ground, see, so I'm thinkin' that since their feet touched the ground, their feet could touch a scatterable anti-tank mine like the M76. Heheheh. Hope they brought Giant Martian War Crutches.

Why FASCAMs? 'Cause you can shoot and scoot. Sure, the Martians will probably blow up the mine dispenser (that'd be me, in this case), but maybe I could get a couple in the meanwhile.

Wonder if, in some other part of the War of the Worlds, somebody strapped a bunch of dynamite to a mannequin and tossed it out for the Martian War Machines to grab?

On the other hand, I was able to rationalize a way for the Martians (or whoever they were in the movie) to do what they did. Why would they bury their war machines "a million years ago" then wait until Tom Cruise is looking for his Mustang before attacking?

Easy: Wipe out potential competition.

It's an easy concept...You pre-position equipment and wait until you pick up radio signals indicating that the seeded planet has evolved intelligent technological life. Then you hustle over before they start buildling star ships and stomp the crap out of them. You don't have to share that way. "The Killing Star" by Charles Pellegrino (GREAT novel, by the way), touches on this subject.

Robots have three laws. Aliens can have three laws too:

1. Wimps don't make it to the top.
2. Their survival is more important to them than ours is.
3. They'll assume the first two rules appy to us too.

So there you have it: a recipe for interstellar extermination. It might also explain Fermi's Paradox: we haven't seen aliens yet because everyone wipes everyone else out as soon as they have the potential to drop by for a visit. Yup! You don't necessarily get to nuke yourself. Someone else stops in and does it for you.

It might explain sequential novas in the constellation Aquila: housekeeping. Eight novas in the last 100 years alone.

So, the Martians/aliens are here to wipe out humanity before we can develop space ships and come over to wipe them out. Makes as much sense as anything else.

Either that or weird alien religion:
Thou shalt not suffer an alien with four limbs to live!

Ya never know...

Repent, quadruped! The end is nigh!



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