Friday, August 10, 2007


"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh TexasZombie Texas wgah'nagl fhtagn."

So, like, I finally get around to getting back online and whatnot, and I'm noticing all this collyshangy about "1-18-08" and "Cloverfield" and "Slusho."

Is someone making a Giant Monster Movie? Cool.


Viral marketing? Okay. Better be worth it, Paramount and Bad Robot. If it isn't, I'll never watch Lost again. Oh, wait. I've never watched Lost before. So, yeah, that's not gonna work...

So, anyway, I'm wondering about all this stuff (better that than wondering about work) and I start tinkering around. AND I FIND SECRET STUFF!!!


(All links used without permission)

"You can't drink just six" = "A toxic industry's junk".
Cthulhu = "Cult, huh?"
Slusho = "Uh, loss?"

So then I mix this with the trailer that everyone's seen a bazillion times over.
I liked the "monster" sound - roar? moan? Whatever, it's cool.

So then I tried an experiment: I played the trailer for some cats and they didn't respond.

I played a recording of a moaning polar bear for them and they listened intented.

I played the infamous "BLOOP!" sonar recording and they listened intently.

1-18-08 trailer again, and they start licking their butts.

A recording of a bottlenose dolphin and they listened intently.

So, here's my additon to the Cloverfield Mythology - the monstrous roar is synthetic, with no natural animal sounds. I could go on and on about this, but the cats don't lie.

I'm Not Criswell, But I Play a Psychic on My Blog

"The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms" is based on a Ray Bradbury short story called "The Lighthouse." The final battle with the Rhedosaur from the movie takes place at an amusement park. Cloverfield references Coney Island.

I'm pretty sure they don't mean Island of the Monster Rabbits.

So, my Prediction - 1-18-08 we get a remake/reimagining of "The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms."

No Cthulhu. Cthulhu doesn't smash buildings. Cthulhu makes you go nuts and off your buddies and get into weird cults and stuff.

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.

See? Nothing about eating New York or chasing hip young people around town.


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