Saturday, August 11, 2007


Okay, so a little more about this Cloverfield movie trailer...


When the head of the Statue of Liberty comes bouncing down the road (which is a very cool shot), something didn't set right. I think I know what it is:

The head, from chin to cranium is just shy of 20 feet. Maybe it's an optical illusion, but the head in the trailer didn't look that big. More like the size of an SUV.

Then again, a Murano is about 16 feet long, so this may be an optical illusion. Like the fireballs hitting the buildings, it may be that the CGI effects are not finished yet, and that the whole thing was test footage.

So, about the monster and Slusho...

It's still not Cthulhu. Of this I am certain for a lot of reasons that other folks have already discussed.

I was thinking "Beast from 20,000 Fathoms" or a reimagining of same. Then it occurred to me:

"Oh, crap! Maybe there's no monster at all!" Meaning, there may be a monster in the monster movie (I'd certainly hope so), but it may not be seen often, in toto, or at all. The worst case scenario, this isn't even a monster movie. Instead it's some kind of polical mind f*ck in which the "monster" is a frabriction of a government trying to hold on to power through fear, like the 9/11 conspiracy stuff/crap.

I certainly hope that's not the case. Heck, I LOVE giant monster movies. I don't want some political commentary. I wanna see a big ol' critter tear stuff up.

But back to the conspirings and wonderings and things and stuff...

There's this consistent idea/interpretation that seems to have taken hold. Slusho is people. The critter is called the Parasite. No, it's an alien. No, it's Chocolate Cheese Rage. I like the idea of some kind of toxic organism that results from, or is in some way revenge for, human activities. So a mutant squid-bacteria-sea turtle would be cool.


"You can't drink just six." = "A toxic industry's junk."

Yeah, everyone knows this one. But did you know you can make more Anagrams from phrases associated with this film? And these anagrams will REVEAL THE MOVIE TO US!!!

Chocolate Rage = The Cloaca Ogre. Hmmmm...lots of critters have a cloaca, and ogres are monsters... Or even Cloaca Get Hero. That's disturbing. About as disturbing as the hero getting a cloaca...

Cloverfield = Cod Liver Elf. Well, cod liver comes from cods, which come from the sea, which is where the Statue of Liberty is standing on an island, and an elf is a mischevious being that might find tossing said statue's head into Manhattan to be pretty funny. Or, and this may be the real ultimate truth: "Relic of Veld." The Veld is the Veldt and a relic of veld would have to come from the veldt, so maybe the monster is a giant gnu.

Metagenomics = Mincemeats Go. Slusho is people, and people are mincemeats that are eaten and must go. Obvious, right?

Littlest Whale = Wealth's little. Right! Money won't save you from the monster! This producer dude must be an incredible genius!

(censored name of supposed character in movie) = "Ask a Maria." Prayer is our only salvation from the monster.

(censored name of supposed other character in movie) = "A Calm Gray." Well, like, y'know, ummm...the sea is kinda gray on a foggy day, and the sea can be calm, so like, y'know, this means, like, the monter comes outta the sea.

So, yeah, like, there ya have it.
The monster comes out of the sea. It is acts like an ogre and an elf and has a cloaca, which might or might not get our hero. It probably looks like a fishy prehistoric giant gnu, and hops right out of a calm gray sea to hack up Lady Liberty. Wealth will not save anyone. They must pray.

So, yeah, like there ya have it. This is where the clues lead us.

Makes as much sense as anything else, thinks I.


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