Monday, August 13, 2007

Chocolate Rage?

So, since I have nothing else to do and no real life outside of work, I was thinking about this Cloverfield/1-18-08 movie again today on the commute home from work.

And, should anyone actually be reading this, you may thank me now. I have decided to share certain facts that have fallen into my clutches. You may not like them, and you may not believe them, but that's all cool with me.

Being an old TexasZombie, I've met a lot of folks over the years. I make friends readily and try to stay in touch. This is called Networking. It's also called being friendly, but let's call in Networking. It sounds cooler and less provincial.

Okay - you all should know the rules by now - All links are used without permission.

So, back to Cloverfield.

The concensus from folks with whom I've spoken is that the Cloverfield movie will have the following attributes:

1. Little or no clear view of the monster, due to budgetary constraints and film style.

2. Focus almost entirely on a group of hip youngsters running from said monster. This will be a bit odd, even for a monster movie. See * below.

3. Did I mention the monster will get little to no screen time? This has come up repeatedly from folks with whom I've spoken.

Now, don't get me wrong - I thought the trailer was creepy and cool. This may well be a fine movie, and the folks involved in making it are in all probability really nice folks.

Just don't be expecting something along the lines of a Godzilla movie. This is going to be more like a 1950's monster movie. 75% of the movie is people talking and looking scared and running. 20% is shadows and roars and footprints. 5% is monster.

I'm definitely skipping opening weekend, however. This is looking more and more like a renter instead of a "crank my cranky butt out of doors and pay a bunch of money on opening day" movie.

*Manhattan is a big place, even if one is from Texas. And there are a LOT of people in Mahattan - something like 1.5 million. So, let's suspend disbelief and put a giant monster in Battery Park. Let's say for the sake of example that it has pulled the head off the Statue of Liberty, caused an earthquake and explosion, and thrown said statue head into midtown Manhattan.

Everybody's gonna $hit a brick and head outta town by car, train, on foot, and by boat. Heck, maybe some folks on Central Park West have their own rooftop helicopters. That's a lot of people on the move.

But that's my point. Most folks will head out of town and even a hugh giant critter will only be visible as a dust cloud or smoke. For anyone to see said monster for most of a movie is either poor script writing (unless they're part of a monster chasing team or something) or just plain bad luck. Either way, it's kinda lame.


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