Friday, August 17, 2007

TGIF! And more on Slusho clues...

Yeah, TGIF. Tropical Storm/Depression Erin just kicked the crap outta us down here in South Texas. Blah! Glad to have the week over. All we have to do now is get past Hurricane Dean...

So, here are a few more clues for all y'all Cloverfield fanatics out there on the 'Net.

Made Fresh For You = Head for some fury. Furious, perhaps? That's what the poster said.

You'll have to figure out your own anagrams from these:

"I'm glad if I don't see you."
Betty Barsuglia.
Evil abounds, Demon-Born. Eat two sandwiches.
Make trouble.

And keep these words in mind:

Also, take the movie poster and examine it closely:

It's not a "snapshot." It shows a series of events, kinda like taking a picture in 4-D. It shows several things as they happen, in sequence, from left to right.

And then get a high res copy of the poster and tinker with wavelengths, RBG, negatives, etc. You might just find something written in the poster.

Also take note of the orientation of the Statue of Liberty. She's looking the wrong way, kinda like she's wondering what just ripped off her head and tossed into central Manhattan. There are clues there as well.



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