Saturday, August 18, 2007

Stuff and Things


(as always, all links used without permission)

Y'know, I'd really forgotten how much I liked the Traveller RPG. Not the T20 rules, nice though those folks are, or the Megatraveller system, cool though the setting is, or the New Era/Error or GURPS Traveller or Traveller 4. Just Classic Traveller. Coolest game system ever if you ignore the part about maybe getting killed during the character generation process - Yeah, your character could die before starting the game, which sorta defeats the purpose of making a character in the first place. But if you ignore that part, its way cool. Just get a spaceperson and start playing. Roll 2d6, add any modifiers, and beat an 8. Streamlined, efficient, and able to handle pretty much anything.

All the other versions have a lot of great ideas, ranging from the Hard Times of Megatraveller, to the oddball "I wish the Ancients would just leave me alone" stuff in T4. GURPS Traveller too. Their Behind the Claw sourcebook for the Spinward Marches is excellent, even though I don't play GURPS and know nothing about the rules.

So, if you want to have some fun with old school roleplaying (i.e. using dice, pencil and paper) and find the concept of battling an Ine Givar boarding party with a PGMP-14 while trying not to melt your own airlock, check it out: Space Opera gaming at its finest.

Chocolate Cheese Rage Wains...

Looks like the Cloverfield/1-18-08 mayhem is dying down. I'm guessing the movie is still gonna come out, but as far as what it's actually about... Who the heck knows.

Some theories from various persons:
1. Aliens
2. Mutants with zombie backup
3. Standard Giant Monster
4. Non-Standard Giant Monster
5. Voltron (debunked)
6. Cthulhu (debunked)

Some theories from me:
1. Dagon (Hey! He/It isn't Cthulhu, and if memory serves, Dagon had a lot more interaction with humans near the New England coastline than Cthulhu ever did in the South Pacific). On the same lines, why not a Shoggoth or some other Lovecraftian critter?
2. No monster. Just mass hysteria and a government conspiracy.
3. Remake of "The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms".
4. Some monster (choose one of the above, or insert your own) that is occasionally glimpsed but never really seen.

Still like the teaser trailer, but definitely not going to see this on opening night.

And on the gripping hand, there's still a new Godzilla movie in the works.


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